
The Federal Criminal Court was established in Bellinzona on 1 April 2004. It is comprised of three chambers. Read more

List of recent judgments

09.09.2024 - BG.2024.51 - (PDF)
Conflit de fors (art. 40 al. 2 CPP)
03.09.2024 - BE.2024.12 - (PDF)
Entsiegelung (Art. 50 Abs. 3 VStrR)
06.09.2024 - BE.2023.5 - (PDF)
Entsiegelung (Art. 50 Abs. 3 VStrR)
06.09.2024 - BE.2023.6 - (PDF)
Entsiegelung (Art. 50 Abs. 3 VStrR)

Presentation film


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Ergebnisse der Zufriedenheitsbefragung bei Anwältinnen und Anwälten (The content of this page is available only in Italian, German or French)