Court clerks

A total of 10 court clerks, all of whom with legal training, work in the Higher Appeals Chamber.

Court clerks of the Higher Appeals Chamber

Allmendinger Rémy, MLaw, LL.M.
Aschwanden Franz, lic. iur., Rechtsanwalt
Clausen Sandro, lic. iur., Rechtsanwalt
Ferretti Leda, MLaw, Rechtsanwältin
Heer Flurina, Juristin (Univ.), Rechtsanwältin
Hiltbrunner Nathalie, MLaw, Rechtsanwältin
Kaufmann Luzius, MLaw
Lévy Emmanuelle, MLaw, Rechtsanwältin
Peirolo Aurore, MLaw, Rechtsanwältin
Rossi Chiara, MLaw, Rechtsanwältin